The Fresh Look Editing 5 for March 2022 Two Years and Holding Onfeatured photo.

Two Years and Holding On

The Fresh Look Editing 5 for March 2022

It still boggles my mind how quickly things can change.

This month marks two years of living in a pandemic. In fact, March 5, 2020 was the day the first COVID-19 case was reported by my home province, Alberta. I don’t have to describe how much things have changed throughout the world since then.

Two years has felt like 10, but somehow, it’s all happened in the blink of an eye. A paradoxical quick-moving, slow-motion train wreck.  

To present a laundry list of events from the past 24 months would be counterproductive in this space. We all know what has happened, and realistically, everyone’s list is going to be different because we’ve all faced some deeply personal occurrences of our own. I debated whether to even write a blog this month because I wondered if it would be disrespectful amidst the fear, uncertainty, and violence happening in Ukraine. “Not to mention, who’s in the mood to read a top whatever list at the moment?” I mused. (I mean no disrespect to those who have been able to write or read such endeavours.)

The reason I’ve published The Fresh Look Editing 5 this month — albeit without a top 5 — is because writing has been a source of comfort for me my entire life. And maybe, just maybe, reading this may be a source of comfort for you, too. At the very least, we know we aren’t alone in a world that has seemed to change acutely and relentlessly for two years.

Ever stare down a deadline only to have it stare right back and mock your lack of focus and drive? That was me earlier this week. I had a horrific case of writer’s block that took quite a bit of finessing to get past. The bad news is the particular assignment I was working on took me much longer than anticipated; the good news is I shared my struggles with some trusted colleagues, put my thoughts into the world (read: I tweeted about it), and was able to (somehow) meet my deadline and let that challenge go.

My reminder of the week: I can’t fix the world, but I can reach out.

I am lucky to have a group of friends in my personal and professional worlds who help each other carry loads when one is too weighed down. I am fortunate to have a supportive family. I am privileged to belong to a stellar editing community that has events like monthly Editors Tea Club gatherings, and weekly virtual meetups like CIEP’s Cloud Clubs, where colleagues can share challenges and celebrate wins, no matter how seemingly small. The gift of having these circles is a reminder that even if we can’t fix the world, we can assemble and share cathartic moments.

Do I have anything career-savvy or particularly bookmark-worthy to share this month? Not really. But if you’re reading this, please know you aren’t alone and every day is a new day. I hope we can all find ways to keep going together.         

Share your thoughts on this, or any of my past blogs, using the hashtag #FreshLookEdit5.

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

Alicia Chantal is the owner of Fresh Look Editing, based in Edmonton, Alberta. She specializes in nonfiction copyediting, proofreading, and writing, and is passionate about helping writers create messages that educate and empower. Alicia was a member of Editors Canada’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion task force and also served as co-coordinator of her local chapter. When not at her desk, she can be found spending time with her husband and three boys, reading, or watching a good show.